
Employer not giving staff their tips

So I'm in a predicament. I left my last job because they were breaking labor laws so I sued and we settled, got everything I was owed. While that was going on I moved to a different small business and worked there for about a year. This place has all kinds of red flags waving around and it's become very clear that this place is not making money. Hours were cut unexpectedly so I went and got another job, I now only work at the other place every other weekend. At that job we have three ways of making tips, two of which should eventually reflect on our first paycheck of the month in which we get all of the tips we made the previous month and the other is obviously cash. Tips are recorded on a spreadsheet, my manager adds them up, then emails them to the payroll/hr lady…

So I'm in a predicament. I left my last job because they were breaking labor laws so I sued and we settled, got everything I was owed. While that was going on I moved to a different small business and worked there for about a year. This place has all kinds of red flags waving around and it's become very clear that this place is not making money. Hours were cut unexpectedly so I went and got another job, I now only work at the other place every other weekend.

At that job we have three ways of making tips, two of which should eventually reflect on our first paycheck of the month in which we get all of the tips we made the previous month and the other is obviously cash. Tips are recorded on a spreadsheet, my manager adds them up, then emails them to the payroll/hr lady who operates out of a different state. I don't know this person and have never met her.

Anyway, a couple weeks ago my paycheck deposits in my bank account and its… small. I knew it would be with my new job change but it was not at all what I was expecting considering my tips should have been on it. I look at the pdf of the paystub and sure enough I did not get my tips. I tell my manager, she confirms no one on our staff got their tips and talks to the payroll lady. Manager says we'll get our tips next paycheck.

Today was supposed to be that paycheck and once again, no tips. This isn't the first time someone hasn't received the money they were owed with this business, as my manager had to fight to get paid her overtime several months back.

I don't know what to do. It's not a lot of money but it is money I'm owed. I don't want to have to call my lawyer back up and I'm just frustrated I'm in this situation again. I'm tired of greedy employers trying to get ahead in any way they can and not caring about the people keeping their business running.

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