
Employer promised me Training funding in job offer but have now declined it

Basically what the title says, In the job offer email it was listed that I would receive a training subscription for Red Hat which costs $7000 for 12 months. My previous employer provided this with no hassle. I've been at this place for almost a year and each time I bring it up I get one excuse after the next from 'it's not the right time' to 'the budget is a bit tight this quarter'. ​ Do I have any recourse?

Basically what the title says, In the job offer email it was listed that I would receive a training subscription for Red Hat which costs $7000 for 12 months. My previous employer provided this with no hassle. I've been at this place for almost a year and each time I bring it up I get one excuse after the next from 'it's not the right time' to 'the budget is a bit tight this quarter'.

Do I have any recourse?

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