
Employer reducing my pay because I make tips

Starting this week, my work will be reducing my pay $1 less an hour since I make tips working on the register. Yes I’ll still be making more than I would without tips, but they give me no choice because they force me on register despite the fact that I’m trained and shown interest in BOH, and even if I am not making less $$$ it’s still a stupid excuse for them to not have to pay me so they can make more money for themselves. I’m not blaming it on my specific location as even the managers have expressed concern about it, more so corporate, but it’s still stupid and unfair

Starting this week, my work will be reducing my pay $1 less an hour since I make tips working on the register. Yes I’ll still be making more than I would without tips, but they give me no choice because they force me on register despite the fact that I’m trained and shown interest in BOH, and even if I am not making less $$$ it’s still a stupid excuse for them to not have to pay me so they can make more money for themselves.

I’m not blaming it on my specific location as even the managers have expressed concern about it, more so corporate, but it’s still stupid and unfair

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