
Employer trying to push me out for applying within company

Hello people of reddit. I’ve been with my employer for 14 months,i left a job I enjoyed to make the switch to a larger company for a couple bucks more an hour and a union as i thought it would be better for my future. On my first day with the new company I realized what a circus this place is. I don’t really like my new manager as he is a bipolar prick, and a couple of my co workers are lazy af which leaves me at their advantage to do the shitty jobs, not much of a team effort to say the least. After about 10 months of employment I asked to work 4 days a week instead of 5 day 40hrs as I wanted as much time away form this place as possible while still being able to pay my bills. I messaged my boss stating I…

Hello people of reddit. I’ve been with my employer for 14 months,i left a job I enjoyed to make the switch to a larger company for a couple bucks more an hour and a union as i thought it would be better for my future.

On my first day with the new company I realized what a circus this place is. I don’t really like my new manager as he is a bipolar prick, and a couple of my co workers are lazy af which leaves me at their advantage to do the shitty jobs, not much of a team effort to say the least.

After about 10 months of employment I asked to work 4 days a week instead of 5 day 40hrs as I wanted as much time away form this place as possible while still being able to pay my bills. I messaged my boss stating I would like a reduction of hours starting xx day of xx month, I gave them 3 weeks to make arrangements. I never heard anything back. When i brought this up on the week that i was expecting to work less hours, he had done nothing to make this happen. I made up some bs saying im taking evening classes for a few months and we agreed on one day off every other week which did not happen, best i got was being able to leave an hour early maybe 4 or 5 times.

At this point in time I had given up hope. Around this time they hired an employees kid to help us out with the back end work and moved me up to a customer service oriented role fulfilling orders, but i was still doing back end work when they wanted me too, This is when the bs escalated. boss started giving me attitude asking me where i was when I went the bathroom or when I left to drop off paperwork at another department, giving me shit for not putting things away where he wants how am i supposed to know where you want things put this whole department is a cluster f*ck! I sucked it up and dealt with it, but I knew it was time to get away from him and his favorites.

I saw a job posting within the company that I was interested in, so I reached out to our recruitment manager, his response was to speak with the general manager as the first step, so I did. I showed him that i had experience in the position they were looking for, and that I would love to take on that role again. About 2 weeks later the job posting was removed and no one was hired.

About 1 month later(two days ago) the operations manager had a meeting with the GM and found out about me applying The next day he came up to me fuming about how he didn’t like the way I was ending phone calls with coworkers after I had finished assisting them (he wanted me to kiss ass and ask them if there was anything else I could assist them with,which was new to me, also no one else got this talking too). When it comes to internal phone calls we always try to end the conversations asap so we can keep the phone lines open for retail customers.

A little while later he had an employee call me and ask to speak to my coworker, i stated that they are not here yet and will be here at a certain time, the whole time this operations manager was listening on the other end.

This time he came back red in the face and pulled me into the office with my boss. He yelled at me for “doing it again”. I proceeded to tell him that “I am working on it” and he responded with “i don’t give a shit if you’re working on it”. He then immediately confronts me about applying for the other job without going to him or my boss first. He then tells me that ive broken a bond of trust between them and myself, while my boss sat quietly he asked me if “ i wanted to be there”. I responded with “im interested in moving within the company and i do not want to stay in my current department long term”.

He responds by saying that i ask for too much time off and that i come in late and call in sick too much(Ive come in late maybe 4-5 times in a year due to accidents causing traffic jams and I’ve always called in to let them know, and was never more than 10 mins late except for when my mom wasn’t feeling well. I am entitled to 5 paid sick days per year,and i can use them as i please). I knew this was a bs attempt to slander my reputation as one of my co workers comes in late a minimum of 3 days a week and calls in sick a hell of a lot more than i ever have. He then tells me that he would not recommend me to to move in to another position within the company.

I could tell they were trying to scare me into staying in my current role by saying “now do you want to move up in this role and make some decent money like so and so or do you not want to be here?”

I responded “maybe its not meant to be, I don’t want to stay in this department or this company long term, I’m not resigning at this point in time either”. LOL

Operations manager tells me this is a verbal warning and that I will be written up tomorrow with a shop steward present. He also mentioned something about me being suspended without pay.

He then tells me that he will not stand for mediocrity and sent me on my way back to
my desk.

Long story short , I went into work today did my job as usual and stood my ground, and no write up or disciplinary action was taken. I even said good morning to him.Not too sure what he wanted to write me up for anyway.

Very soon ill be off work for most of next month to take my training for my new career, and I already have a job lined up! Met with the owner last week, and I have one more meeting next week to sign my employment paperwork!

End of rant

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