
Employer wants my personal auto insurance info

Have no idea if this is the place for this but I frequently read things here and it’s not entirely off topic. My current employer is asking for a copy of personal auto insurance info. We have two work vans that I haven’t driven in months. I’m not planning to perform any future tasks that require me to operate a company vehicle anyways but what kind of shady things is she doing with insurance that would lead to me being liable in a traffic incident? I’m in Florida by the way.

Have no idea if this is the place for this but I frequently read things here and it’s not entirely off topic. My current employer is asking for a copy of personal auto insurance info. We have two work vans that I haven’t driven in months. I’m not planning to perform any future tasks that require me to operate a company vehicle anyways but what kind of shady things is she doing with insurance that would lead to me being liable in a traffic incident? I’m in Florida by the way.

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