
Employers be shitting on me

Since September of 2022 I have not been able to find stable and consistent work. I thought that was all going to change in September of 2023. September 2022. I had two interviews with two companies. One (1) was about 20 minutes and the other (2) an hour and half. The latter I was really excited for. I accepted job 1 as job 2 required many hoops to jump through and extensive communication with references. While working job 1 I continued to pick away at the requirments for job 2. Well it turned out job 1 was only paying me half of what was agreed putting the pay below minimum wage. I was only there a month. In the meantime I was able to fulfill the requirments for job 2. I got my references to fill out some massive forms, I bought record checks, driving abstracts and the such. I…

Since September of 2022 I have not been able to find stable and consistent work. I thought that was all going to change in September of 2023.

September 2022. I had two interviews with two companies. One (1) was about 20 minutes and the other (2) an hour and half. The latter I was really excited for. I accepted job 1 as job 2 required many hoops to jump through and extensive communication with references. While working job 1 I continued to pick away at the requirments for job 2.

Well it turned out job 1 was only paying me half of what was agreed putting the pay below minimum wage. I was only there a month. In the meantime I was able to fulfill the requirments for job 2.

I got my references to fill out some massive forms, I bought record checks, driving abstracts and the such. I signed an employment form and upgraded my personal car insurance afterwards and had to buy a used car so my spouse could continue getting to her 12 hour shifts. And then I waited….

A week or so after I was then given unpaid online training which took me about 72 hours of calculated time. Once that was completed and I sent a few more emails to the hiring staff to set up accounts I would need for the role. Another week and a half roles by and I hear nothing…

2 and a half months since the interview and I have not worked a single payable hour. I send another email to see why I have not yet started. I few more days go by… I hear back! They are waiting for a response from HR and will get back to me. Another couples days goes by…

HR responds to me personally! They terminated the program and the closest one most simular to the role I was hired for is a 2 hour drive from my location… ” Otherwise there are a few other roles we could put you in with competly different schedules and an undisclosed pay. Do you want it?”

Man what the FUCK!!! I haven't responded yet but they have lost my trust and any respect I had for this organization. Idk why I'm having such terrible luck with work this last year and I am so done with it!!! I need work but I really don't want to look so desperate to take their shift without no apology!

The whole not getting paid what I was owed at job 1 wasn't even the worst I've experienced this year. I've tried to fucking hard to give all that I have but employers keep fucking shitting on any effort I make.

I was done working for the man half a year ago and have tried to think of ways I could make money on my own. I don't have any idea and I don't think I have the skills to make anything happen anyway. I don't have the money to go to school again (I have a degree) and I am running out of time to get something going.

Anyway that's my rant. I don't even know if that's allowed on this sub. I just had to get it out as I sit here at 3am full of rage and just feeling lost/done.

TL;DR: Employer was either so unorganized that they hired me for a role that wasn't going to exist by the time I started employment or were so fucking manipulative that they thought making me jump through hoops and waiting was going to force me to take some shit 12 hour position 2 hours from my dwelling place.

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