I was employed for a few months at a consulting company, let's call it ABC consulting. It was a tough environment, no structure and harsh feedback on why the things you should know (not sure how you should know them) are not done how the boss wants. After a few weeks the boss was micro-managing me and at the same time not providing structure. The employer announced that our client had layoffs and that it would also affect us by removing me and 3 of our team mates. I was going to effectively have to move to a new client, but they don't tell you who and there is an air of suspense in the call as they mention you might not make it past the cut our company will surely need to do. That same week my boss was acting very shady.. picking on me in front of people and in 1 on 1s… as if they wanted me to quit. So I did. I gave my 2 weeks.
I'm doing everything by the book, I'm not going to burn a bridge and hurt my co-workers, so I'm giving them everything they need. I honestly thought they would be welcome to it since it felt like they were forcing me out. So my last week comes around and out of the blue I get an email that the next day is my end date. Instead of Friday they are going to let me go on Tuesday. I'm hyper focused on asking for my priorities and delivering things to the client and my coworkers, but I'm also asking them to be super specific about what my priorities are… to make sure I don't miss anything. Last day rolls around.. guess what… 2pm and they ask me to send over all my documentation and have a list of other demands. Apparently everyone is now thinking about the stuff they need from me and they have 3 hours. Well that's normal at this company and I'm sure if I was sticking around after 5 I'd get 3rd degrees from the dressing down they would give, but luckily I no longer work there. I'm out.
Now the rich part, my boss now demands that I give them everything they asked for in the last few hours of my last day. They say that I should have known these things would be required. That's probably true, but I was literally allowing them to micro-manage me and then missed out on 3 days that I was counting on for my budgeting. There is absolutely no need to respect a 2 week notice to an employer if they can't respect it back. That's my story, but if there are any non-direct ways I can warn future employees please give me advice.