
Enforcing a caregiver non-compete agreement in Arizona

We have a caregiver through an agency that works on weekends only they charge us about $36 an hour and they pay her about $15 an hour. We really like this caregiver and would like to have her working for us directly so that we could give her more hours. I am uncertain of her non-compete agreement from what I understand, she's prohibited from working for any clients for quite a period of time I think it's at least a year. That doesn't seem really fair it's not like by her leaving she would damage the company they're not giving her any more hours other than what she's working for us. I'm sure there's some sort of penalty involved I'm even considering offering the employer half of the penalty amount just to let her go. They could of course deny this and file a lawsuit but I wonder do they…

We have a caregiver through an agency that works on weekends only they charge us about $36 an hour and they pay her about $15 an hour.

We really like this caregiver and would like to have her working for us directly so that we could give her more hours. I am uncertain of her non-compete agreement from what I understand, she's prohibited from working for any clients for quite a period of time I think it's at least a year. That doesn't seem really fair it's not like by her leaving she would damage the company they're not giving her any more hours other than what she's working for us.

I'm sure there's some sort of penalty involved I'm even considering offering the employer half of the penalty amount just to let her go. They could of course deny this and file a lawsuit but I wonder do they really want to file a lawsuit for an employee working 16 hours a week.

I'm originally from California and I don't think these things are enforceable over there but when I do a web search for Arizona it pretty much says that they are enforceable does anybody have any feedback on this? I would really appreciate it

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