
Enough is enough!

Five times this week I’ve gone to a store well within its operating hours only to find it closed. Five different fast food restaurants and stores, all closed two hours or more before they’re supposed to. If you own or operate a franchise I implore you, please ether hire enough staff and pay them well enough to show up or close up shop for good. The lack of consistency is a problem, I can no longer expect any franchise business to maintain their posted hours. The local Wendy’s has been closed in the middle of the afternoon due to lack of staff. Something needs to change before core businesses start to crumble. If you can’t hire enough people and pay them well enough to show up consistently then don’t own a business, it’s that simple. The problem is 100% incompetent management and greed.

Five times this week I’ve gone to a store well within its operating hours only to find it closed. Five different fast food restaurants and stores, all closed two hours or more before they’re supposed to. If you own or operate a franchise I implore you, please ether hire enough staff and pay them well enough to show up or close up shop for good. The lack of consistency is a problem, I can no longer expect any franchise business to maintain their posted hours. The local Wendy’s has been closed in the middle of the afternoon due to lack of staff. Something needs to change before core businesses start to crumble. If you can’t hire enough people and pay them well enough to show up consistently then don’t own a business, it’s that simple. The problem is 100% incompetent management and greed.

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