
“Equity”: my company loves to scream about it…but then…

I'm so pissed. I work for a health system in Boston that is known for serving 1 in 6 members of the LGBTQ+ community. I've been here almost 3 years. I serve on a health equity task force (volunteering, but that's gonna be coming to a screeching halt), and I administer housing first subsidies to people living with HIV. Sounds like a lot of responsibility, right? Sounds like a job you need a specialty skill set for, right? I came with over a decade of experience working with people experiencing homelessness. I go above and beyond for my clients, and just got the BEST performance review I have ever gotten at any job. I also am disabled. My company has a whoooooole committee devoted to DEI. We get it jammed down our throat in every Zoom webinar how important it is to the mission. I have been asking for a…

I'm so pissed.

I work for a health system in Boston that is known for serving 1 in 6 members of the LGBTQ+ community. I've been here almost 3 years.

I serve on a health equity task force (volunteering, but that's gonna be coming to a screeching halt), and I administer housing first subsidies to people living with HIV. Sounds like a lot of responsibility, right? Sounds like a job you need a specialty skill set for, right? I came with over a decade of experience working with people experiencing homelessness. I go above and beyond for my clients, and just got the BEST performance review I have ever gotten at any job.

I also am disabled.

My company has a whoooooole committee devoted to DEI. We get it jammed down our throat in every Zoom webinar how important it is to the mission.

I have been asking for a raise since February. I make 46K a year right now. I started at $23.06/hr and 2.5+ years later I have received 2 shitty raises, the last one was for .81 an hour. It was a fucking insult. I've asked four or five times now for a compensation review and finally yesterday, I got an email saying we know you want a raise, but there's no timeframe and sorry.

I then found out, with a specialty skill set and all my experience I was making WAY less than literally everyone in my division. I'm so embarrassed. Oh and statistics show companies love to underpay disabled folks. Oh and new people are getting hired at 50-52K yearly. With no experience. But fuck my living wage right?

Yeah sounds real equitable. For the first time in my entire adult career I'm thinking of quitting with no notice. They will be fucked without me, but I don't want to hurt my clients and they know it.

I am on turbo job hunt. I can't wait to see their faces when I give my notice. Maybe I'll give 2 weeks, but more likely I'm just gonna give them the finger.

Thanks for coming to my old man yells at clouds post.

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