
Euthanasia as a form of retirement planning

I have decided to say Fuck it to societal expectations to work like a slave during the best years of my life only to ‘enjoy’ my old age which is by no means guaranteed. I firmly believe every human should have the choice to legally end their life if/when we please. How are we free without this? If I was perfectly healthy maybe I would want to live until 90 but if I am 70 bored out of my mind and unable,to enjoy my passions why should I not be able to check out. I have no dependents.

I have decided to say Fuck it to societal expectations to work like a slave during the best years of my life only to ‘enjoy’ my old age which is by no means guaranteed. I firmly believe every human should have the choice to legally end their life if/when we please. How are we free without this?

If I was perfectly healthy maybe I would want to live until 90 but if I am 70 bored out of my mind and unable,to enjoy my passions why should I not be able to check out. I have no dependents.

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