
Even if it’s easy we hate waking up early or having a set time to start.

Millennials and Gen Z are now in the workforce and many of us are not convinced thst this is how we want to live our lives. Many of us would be happier if we could work when we want for reasonable wages to simply eat, drink, and have somewhere to sleep. We are the generations that realized everything is way to complicated and hard for us to simply live a life. Many of us aren't having children because why should we bring in another soul into to world to feel the same way we do. The problem is that there are still those of us that keep on going with this idea that it's okay and living like this is fine. It's complicated because we live in this system where we have to work on their terms to make money to live. If you want change then you have to…

Millennials and Gen Z are now in the workforce and many of us are not convinced thst this is how we want to live our lives. Many of us would be happier if we could work when we want for reasonable wages to simply eat, drink, and have somewhere to sleep. We are the generations that realized everything is way to complicated and hard for us to simply live a life. Many of us aren't having children because why should we bring in another soul into to world to feel the same way we do. The problem is that there are still those of us that keep on going with this idea that it's okay and living like this is fine. It's complicated because we live in this system where we have to work on their terms to make money to live. If you want change then you have to be the change though. I know many of you have quit many jobs just hoping that your not the only ones and others will do the same but it's not like they all can. This is why I see government and hierarchy as the issue. They made it this way. the solution is clear, quit buying into this system and say no, live in harmony with one another. No one lives forever anyway. I believe the soul does carry on after this life. That would mean for us to simply live as we can, which more than likely points us towards some sort of Anarchy or system with only the essential rules.

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