
Even though I get paid pretty decent at my new corporate job, there is no way a human should be subjected to this amount of eye strain and lack of movement at a desk. It’s kind of inhumane.

I’ve never had a desk job and I don’t think I can do this for any longer. The pay is the most money I’ve ever made but I am compensating with my health and sanity. There is nothing normal about spending 8-12 hours looking at a computer screen and also having my legs go numb at work because I’m not used to this. Yes I take breaks regularly and yes I take my lunches but this is still insane. I’ve always had active jobs that underpaid me but boy I have never felt so unhealthy in my life working a desk job. I do eat a clean diet but after sitting at a desk for so long I have no motivation to work out. My legs feel like fluid and blood is building up in my legs and hurt. My eyes feel horrendous strain. Does anyone feel the same way…

I’ve never had a desk job and I don’t think I can do this for any longer. The pay is the most money I’ve ever made but I am compensating with my health and sanity. There is nothing normal about spending 8-12 hours looking at a computer screen and also having my legs go numb at work because I’m not used to this. Yes I take breaks regularly and yes I take my lunches but this is still insane. I’ve always had active jobs that underpaid me but boy I have never felt so unhealthy in my life working a desk job. I do eat a clean diet but after sitting at a desk for so long I have no motivation to work out. My legs feel like fluid and blood is building up in my legs and hurt. My eyes feel horrendous strain. Does anyone feel the same way or have any advice on these crazy corporate jobs? They might be paying me but I’m paying for it with my health declining.

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