
Even Volunteer Positions Are Getting Ridiculous

First off I (like everyone else) am having trouble getting a job so I wanted to put some more experience on my resume.. hence volunteering (with flexible hours since I am a busy student). Had 2 different organizations contact me – First one was totally normal, just helping them write some stuff to help fund the organization with very light/flexible hours and the people in charge gave me a good/normal vibe, cool. (If I decide to take any opportunity I am DEFINITELY taking this one and the cause is really great being a non-profit that is helping kids, veterans, etc. receive free bicycles and spreading some positivity which I can get down with). Second organization I was super excited at first…until I read the FULL print lol. Motherfucker has a volunteer position for a “Quality Assurance Manager”, literally fucking unpaid, no benefits.. NOTHING. (I get you have to reap what…

First off I (like everyone else) am having trouble getting a job so I wanted to put some more experience on my resume.. hence volunteering (with flexible hours since I am a busy student).

Had 2 different organizations contact me – First one was totally normal, just helping them write some stuff to help fund the organization with very light/flexible hours and the people in charge gave me a good/normal vibe, cool. (If I decide to take any opportunity I am DEFINITELY taking this one and the cause is really great being a non-profit that is helping kids, veterans, etc. receive free bicycles and spreading some positivity which I can get down with).

Second organization I was super excited at first…until I read the FULL print lol.

Motherfucker has a volunteer position for a “Quality Assurance Manager”, literally fucking unpaid, no benefits.. NOTHING. (I get you have to reap what you sow, and work your way up but come the fuck on with your ego dude, this is a volunteer position).

The reason I say this is because he had the nerve to literally write (as if he's “helping” me.. like bro I am literally volunteering my time and you see I am a student.. so it's not like I am home painting my nails all day), he writes in the most condescending tone about my “skills” and how “valuable” they are.. yet wants to debate if I can EVEN, MAYBE get the Quality Assurance Manager position…that's unpaid, no benefits, and at least 5 hours a week I believe.. good fucking luck dude.

I told him very politely that I STRONGLY prefer that position but I am “open” to hearing about other positions as well but I strongly prefer that position (the one I fucking applied for) and this dude wants to put a “maybe” and put the rest of the other volunteers names and position in the document he sent to me to discuss..

Needless to say his ass was fucking blocked lmao (he also gave me a bad gut feeling as well), I researched him and people wrote about how he was racist and obnoxious (he looks like the typical old sexist guy suffering with delusions of grandeur/narcissism and I also found an account where he gives people life advice.. SMH.)

I also found it very suspicious (there were multiple men he reviewed as well), but in general it seemed that he wrote glowing reviews of young, attractive women on his profile more than anybody, so needless to say I am glad I am keeping him blocked for sure.

A lot of these boomers and karens think that they can take you for nothing because you look young and gullible but fuck that.

Interviews and jobs nowadays are a joke, getting laughed at for minimum wage positions (not that I am above that but the attitude in general), volunteer jobs now having “competition” to work for fucking free.. sorry if I come off annoyed (that's probably because I am).

I am sorry for anyone having to experience the job market out there right now ..shit sucks.

If I ever have my own business I would NEVER treat my employees, interns, etc. the way some of these sociopaths and narcissists do.. but hey! I guess that's business lol. -__-

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