
Every single time I’ve ever called out sick, management and some coworkers talk trash about me

It isn’t just me. It’s EVERYONE there. For absolutely any reason. We had a guy in the HOSPITAL, clinging to life with a potentially very fatal and extremely painful condition, and they were trash talking him for being out the whole entire time like “yeah, that’s what he says”. The least intelligent scumbags I have ever had the unfortunate displeasure to meet in my whole life. These people work in a supermarket, mind you, this is a deli counter, and they want us coming in sick it doesn’t matter the kind of condition and handling food in a store where mostly elderly people shop. And so I call out today because I’m HELLACIOUSLY unwell – I’ll spare you the graphic details, but, you’ve been there before I’m sure, let’s just say there is no physically possible way that I can work today and even if there were, to chance spreading…

It isn’t just me. It’s EVERYONE there. For absolutely any reason. We had a guy in the HOSPITAL, clinging to life with a potentially very fatal and extremely painful condition, and they were trash talking him for being out the whole entire time like “yeah, that’s what he says”. The least intelligent scumbags I have ever had the unfortunate displeasure to meet in my whole life. These people work in a supermarket, mind you, this is a deli counter, and they want us coming in sick it doesn’t matter the kind of condition and handling food in a store where mostly elderly people shop.

And so I call out today because I’m HELLACIOUSLY unwell – I’ll spare you the graphic details, but, you’ve been there before I’m sure, let’s just say there is no physically possible way that I can work today and even if there were, to chance spreading this to coworkers and customers and their food would be disgusting. So, I called out obviously, using the sick time I’ve accrued which I cannot carry into next year anyways (they don’t even give you the money, they just absorb it in a few weeks from now).

And imMEDIATELY, as always, I hear from coworkers the manager and some other bootlicker coworkers are all talking a bunch of shit about me. Basically, the story is always the same – they don’t believe youuu, nobody wants to work anyymoore (even though I’m one of the best workers they have and I call out maybe once every 6 months to a year and otherwise work through like the 9 chronic health conditions I struggle in pain through every day). For this minimum wage shit job.

And I have to say, I am getting EXTREMELY pissed off about it. I want to go in and absolutely verbally disintegrate their ego with an all-out explanation to them of just what kind of pieces of dirt they actually are and that I’m not gonna stand for it anymore. But I don’t want to get the coworkers they talked shit to about me in trouble for telling me. I would go to their bosses, but upper management – whenever they receive complaints that the department management is creating a toxic work environment – just TELL the toxic department manager who it was who told on them and for what, nothing gets done about it, and then the department manager gets on your case about going over their head and trying to get them in trouble and makes your life miserable with no impunity. But I’ve really had it with this shit, there has to be some sense of being able to stand up for yourself when being mistreated and disrespected in this world, and I’m just itching for the chance to give these useless scumbags a piece of my mind any day now.

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