
Everyone here should be spreading awareness for AI and robotics as well as UBI

AI and robotics are the answer to all of our problems. We are very close to these technologies allowing us to do away with most all labor. A matter of 5 years I say, others might call that too hopeful, but I think we have almost everything there now it’s just refinement and implementation. I suggest watching and sharing YouTube pages like Matt Wolfe(Ai tools and news) and David Shapiro(Ai predictions and alignment strategies) to get educated and stay up to date. David Shapiro predictions Matt Wolfe Ai tools

AI and robotics are the answer to all of our problems. We are very close to these technologies allowing us to do away with most all labor. A matter of 5 years I say, others might call that too hopeful, but I think we have almost everything there now it’s just refinement and implementation. I suggest watching and sharing YouTube pages like Matt Wolfe(Ai tools and news) and David Shapiro(Ai predictions and alignment strategies) to get educated and stay up to date.

David Shapiro predictions

Matt Wolfe Ai tools

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