
Everything is so expensive I can’t see my self being able to live comfortably in the future

I am 19 entering my sophomore year of college at a decent university. Through scholarships my tuition is about 14k a year. I don’t have a major selected yet and have no idea what I’m going to select, so I’m just doing required classes rn. I don’t know if this is the right route bc everything seems so expensive. While at school I work at a retail store 20 hours a week making 16 an hour with Ma taxes. I wonder if going into a trade or something would be smarter but to be honest I have no idea what career path with bring in money. I don’t wanna waste my time in college if I could be doing better somewhere else. Houses, rent and cars are all so unaffordable where I live the future seems grim. The way the worlds going the idea of jobs, college, rent, and money…

I am 19 entering my sophomore year of college at a decent university. Through scholarships my tuition is about 14k a year. I don’t have a major selected yet and have no idea what I’m going to select, so I’m just doing required classes rn. I don’t know if this is the right route bc everything seems so expensive. While at school I work at a retail store 20 hours a week making 16 an hour with Ma taxes. I wonder if going into a trade or something would be smarter but to be honest I have no idea what career path with bring in money. I don’t wanna waste my time in college if I could be doing better somewhere else. Houses, rent and cars are all so unaffordable where I live the future seems grim. The way the worlds going the idea of jobs, college, rent, and money is my biggest stressor.

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