
Evul Capitalism won’t collapse ever. It’s the most dominant economic system that has a high survival rate.

If we look back at human history, we can see that the only political economic system that has ever survived this long was evil capitalism. No matter how kind of a leader you are, evil capitalism will always find away to take over your country. Let's take Europe for example. Between the years 400 – 1400, feudalism took place as the political economic system. Feudalism is pretty much like capitalism. Most people are peasants without rights. They don't own their lands, a noble landowner owns the land and the fruit of their labor and at the head of the state stands a king, who controls almost everything. There's no democracy at work, no labor rights, nothing. Fast forward to 1500, and capitalism replaces feudalism. Yes, there's a scientific revolution and the invention of printing press, but the average peasant is still very poor and has no rights. Capitalism gave rise…

If we look back at human history, we can see that the only political economic system that has ever survived this long was evil capitalism. No matter how kind of a leader you are, evil capitalism will always find away to take over your country.

Let's take Europe for example. Between the years 400 – 1400, feudalism took place as the political economic system. Feudalism is pretty much like capitalism. Most people are peasants without rights. They don't own their lands, a noble landowner owns the land and the fruit of their labor and at the head of the state stands a king, who controls almost everything. There's no democracy at work, no labor rights, nothing.

Fast forward to 1500, and capitalism replaces feudalism. Yes, there's a scientific revolution and the invention of printing press, but the average peasant is still very poor and has no rights. Capitalism gave rise to slave trade, imperialism and the exploitation of other non westerners, whose own political economical systems are also kinds of feudalistic capitalistic systems with kings, noble leeches and heavily burdened peasants and slave traders.

From the 1500's to the 2000's, capitalism has been the most significantly ruling political economic system. There were states in Eastern Europe and East Asia trying defy it and create other forms of political economic systems, like communism, but .they all fell to capitalism eventually. And even when they took place, they didn't really implement the ideas of people's rights, labor rights and workplace democracy.

Capitalism is inescapable, As a fact, it's the only system that has survived that long. Revolution won't happen because it hasn't happened throughout the entire existence of humanity. Evil triumphs and is undefiable. Good deeds have no value.

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