
Ex co worker wrote bad review

I’m just venting because I feel like this might be the right place to do so. I’m pretty sure my ex coworker wrote a long horrible review about me, and in it they lie about most things, but very few things mentioned are too specific that a patient wouldn’t know. The account has one review, under a name that my job has never seen (we have a record of everyone who comes in) so it’s clearly a fake account. I’m just really frustrated because I work hard to help others patients at my job and I put in so much effort to be knowledgeable in what I do. It also sucks because I’m only like 98% sure it was them so I can’t just message them to get a few things off my chest. People read reviews and I’m just anxious about the fact people might come in having read…

I’m just venting because I feel like this might be the right place to do so. I’m pretty sure my ex coworker wrote a long horrible review about me, and in it they lie about most things, but very few things mentioned are too specific that a patient wouldn’t know. The account has one review, under a name that my job has never seen (we have a record of everyone who comes in) so it’s clearly a fake account. I’m just really frustrated because I work hard to help others patients at my job and I put in so much effort to be knowledgeable in what I do. It also sucks because I’m only like 98% sure it was them so I can’t just message them to get a few things off my chest. People read reviews and I’m just anxious about the fact people might come in having read what was incorrectly said about me, especially because the ex coworker explains what I look like. UGH :/ I like my job but I’m anti what can happen when working with other people

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