
Excuse my uterus then, damn.

I just got a verbal warning for discussing my period on the job. I’m a supervisor, apparently that means the standards are “different” bc I made someone “uncomfortable”. I didn’t even bring it up, one of my supervisees was telling me she was having menstrual cramps. I told her I was too. That was it. Got a talking to from the same HR lady who gave a lecture last year on gender inequality in the workplace. Her advice? “Take less time getting ready in the morning so men take you seriously.”

I just got a verbal warning for discussing my period on the job. I’m a supervisor, apparently that means the standards are “different” bc I made someone “uncomfortable”. I didn’t even bring it up, one of my supervisees was telling me she was having menstrual cramps. I told her I was too. That was it.

Got a talking to from the same HR lady who gave a lecture last year on gender inequality in the workplace. Her advice? “Take less time getting ready in the morning so men take you seriously.”

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