
Execs: “do more with less”

TLDR; told by upper level execs to “do more with less” by cutting 10% of the team next year despite revenue increasing…I'm so tired of this… I think many of us can sympathize. We need a working class revolution. We have to stop this mentality of infinite profit margins. I work in US tech industry in middle management and few days back we went into our annual planning meetings for next year. Execs basically told us to save $200M out of thin air. We asked them how, as our revenue and manufacturing runrates were increasing and needed bodies to support that. They point blank told us, “you're not getting more people, we want you to give us 26 people reduction” (extended team of approx 260 people bodies in office cubes), while fixing quality issues, and supply chain issues that we don't have control over… Basically asking for a layoff next…

TLDR; told by upper level execs to “do more with less” by cutting 10% of the team next year despite revenue increasing…I'm so tired of this… I think many of us can sympathize. We need a working class revolution. We have to stop this mentality of infinite profit margins.

I work in US tech industry in middle management and few days back we went into our annual planning meetings for next year. Execs basically told us to save $200M out of thin air. We asked them how, as our revenue and manufacturing runrates were increasing and needed bodies to support that.

They point blank told us, “you're not getting more people, we want you to give us 26 people reduction” (extended team of approx 260 people bodies in office cubes), while fixing quality issues, and supply chain issues that we don't have control over…
Basically asking for a layoff next year and expecting us to ship more products without the necessary support.

I just needed to vent on this because of how absurd this all is.

They already did one 5% of the company layoff a month ago, and they're not approving us to backfill people that leave… we do not have the people to get the job done. We will fail.

Now I had one of my people call me last night crying because she's got too much pressure on her and her team working 16hr days (they're office folks that are supposed to be 8-5). And I Straight up told her to go home and let the company fail. I told her I'd explain upwards, but we're not running a skeleton anymore and expecting same results… the company has to fail before they understand.

Lastly, not to mention our CEO makes 300x the average worker's salary. And he will still probably get $20-30M bonus this year despite a shitty job he's done. All the while middle mgmt told that salaries and bonuses won't be good this year, that “the bucket will be very small”.

Fuck companies, and fuck executives. We need a union, we need a strike, we need a working class revolution. We need the government to limit CEO & exec pay or some shit I dk.

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