
Executive Director wants me to apologize for cussing in a private meeting after a terrible day

I am in a C level position at a non profit and yesterday I had a terrible day. One staff that has been very toxic finally resigned but with no notice and in a fairly dramatic manner. Then another staff in the same department made a an accusation against me after I had to reprimand her for a no call no show. My direct supervisor is the ED and I asked to meet with him and our HR director about both events. I was so frustrated and fatigued in the meeting and did not feel my ED was supportive at all and at one point I said “today was a f$&@ing $h1tty day”. My ED says he will not tolerate that and wants me to apologize. He is not focused or supportive in the other matters, just focused on the cursing. I did not make a derogatory comment in my…

I am in a C level position at a non profit and yesterday I had a terrible day. One staff that has been very toxic finally resigned but with no notice and in a fairly dramatic manner. Then another staff in the same department made a an accusation against me after I had to reprimand her for a no call no show. My direct supervisor is the ED and I asked to meet with him and our HR director about both events. I was so frustrated and fatigued in the meeting and did not feel my ED was supportive at all and at one point I said “today was a f$&@ing $h1tty day”. My ED says he will not tolerate that and wants me to apologize. He is not focused or supportive in the other matters, just focused on the cursing. I did not make a derogatory comment in my cursing and see no harm in it. So guess I kinda of just want to tell him to F off!

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