
Expected to do other peoples jobs

My job has a high turnover rate. I work in the corporate world, the job is demanding. I've been here for 3 years. People usually quit around 6 months, they never make it a year. Especially the receptionist position. So when people quit, we are expected to pick up all the work from the person that quit no matter what they're position was, and people just think it's normal. The higher ups just go on about their day as do my coworkers but I have a huge problem with this. The boss just interviews the next person, hire them, leave them to the wolves, they complain and quit. Process repeats. Don't they see that this is a problem? Why won't they address what's going on and make some changes? Why should we be expected to not only do our positions but be the receptionists job too. It's way too much.…

My job has a high turnover rate. I work in the corporate world, the job is demanding. I've been here for 3 years. People usually quit around 6 months, they never make it a year. Especially the receptionist position. So when people quit, we are expected to pick up all the work from the person that quit no matter what they're position was, and people just think it's normal. The higher ups just go on about their day as do my coworkers but I have a huge problem with this. The boss just interviews the next person, hire them, leave them to the wolves, they complain and quit. Process repeats. Don't they see that this is a problem? Why won't they address what's going on and make some changes? Why should we be expected to not only do our positions but be the receptionists job too. It's way too much. I'm usually running around the entire day trying to work the front desk and then also do my job, which needs my full attention as I deal with client's cases that need help immediately. Sorry I didn't know where to post this. Just feeling like I'm burning out and need some type of advice. Any advice? This would be considered a toxic workplace.

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