
Expecting Someone to Work 96 hours a Week

Just thought I’d drop this here: just had an interview for a job I’m massively overqualified for. I applied because I want less work. I don’t necessarily need a huge pay raise (although who would turn one down). The listing stated 72,000 – 75,000. I thought fine that’s what I’m making now. I started asking questions during the second interview to gauge how many projects I would have a week. I’m done with my workload exploding while my pay stays the same. The man said to me with a straight face it’ll be 46-96 hours of work a week for 72,000 a year. NOPE. What the hell is this job market? How the fuck am I going to raise kids in this world. 96 hours is not fucking physically possible for 72,000 which where I’m at is 55,000 after taxes and below the poverty line. This position requires a bachelors…

Just thought I’d drop this here: just had an interview for a job I’m massively overqualified for. I applied because I want less work. I don’t necessarily need a huge pay raise (although who would turn one down). The listing stated 72,000 – 75,000. I thought fine that’s what I’m making now. I started asking questions during the second interview to gauge how many projects I would have a week. I’m done with my workload exploding while my pay stays the same. The man said to me with a straight face it’ll be 46-96 hours of work a week for 72,000 a year. NOPE.

What the hell is this job market? How the fuck am I going to raise kids in this world. 96 hours is not fucking physically possible for 72,000 which where I’m at is 55,000 after taxes and below the poverty line. This position requires a bachelors minimum and 5 years experience. He told me he had over 150 applications and I was in the top 6. He can keep that position. I don’t need it.

What the hell are we coming to?

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