
Experience with a company getting bought out?

Our company got bought out and most of our staff were transferred over to the company that acquired us. What's fucked up is that they handed all of our job duties over to their existing employees. So if you were in charge of G-division, you now reported to someone who knew nothing about G-division and was now going to take most of your job duties and micromanage the rest. So we had really nothing to do at this new company every day but sit around with just our dicks in our hands. As a result, out of the 10 people who were brought over, 6 have resigned and taken jobs elsewhere, including myself, signed my offer sheet with another company this week. The ones who are still there have only remained because they can't get hired somewhere else, it's a tuff job market right now. I don't know what was…

Our company got bought out and most of our staff were transferred over to the company that acquired us.

What's fucked up is that they handed all of our job duties over to their existing employees. So if you were in charge of G-division, you now reported to someone who knew nothing about G-division and was now going to take most of your job duties and micromanage the rest. So we had really nothing to do at this new company every day but sit around with just our dicks in our hands.

As a result, out of the 10 people who were brought over, 6 have resigned and taken jobs elsewhere, including myself, signed my offer sheet with another company this week. The ones who are still there have only remained because they can't get hired somewhere else, it's a tuff job market right now. I don't know what was the point of bringing any of us over in the buyout.

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