
Exploitative Amusement Park Job

I (21F) worked at a popular US amusement park a couple of years ago. I don’t exactly want to state the name because I’m worried I could get sued or whatever. Anyways, I had started to work there during the weekends in September. They were starting to do Halloween stuff and it was really cool. This amusement park was fun to work at at first. I was a ride operator. I got to meet all kinds of new people, even people from different countries. A lot of people who work at this amusement park are international college students who will work there for the summer. Once fall shows up, those international students leave to go back to school. That means that the park is short staffed. When the park gets short-staffed, what does the company do? Cut operating hours? Nononono. They make their employees work super long shifts. I’m not…

I (21F) worked at a popular US amusement park a couple of years ago. I don’t exactly want to state the name because I’m worried I could get sued or whatever. Anyways, I had started to work there during the weekends in September. They were starting to do Halloween stuff and it was really cool. This amusement park was fun to work at at first. I was a ride operator. I got to meet all kinds of new people, even people from different countries. A lot of people who work at this amusement park are international college students who will work there for the summer. Once fall shows up, those international students leave to go back to school. That means that the park is short staffed. When the park gets short-staffed, what does the company do? Cut operating hours? Nononono. They make their employees work super long shifts. I’m not talking 10-12 hour shifts. I’m talking 14-17 hour shifts. This seemed to mostly be a ride operator issue, because my dorm-mates there (nice girls btw) worked in different areas of the park, and they weren’t scheduled long shifts like that. So, this park expects their ride operators to operate big, dangerous machinery on 4 hours of sleep. Idk about y’all, but that doesn’t sound very safe to me. I just quit instead of working those hours. I don’t care if it was a seasonal job or if it was $20 per hour. Having your employees operating roller coasters on 4 hours of sleep kinda sounds like a safety hazard. A lawsuit waiting to happen. It was a shame, too. I enjoyed working there the four whole days that I worked there. My co-workers were amazing people to be around, but…14-17 hour shifts? You couldn’t just cut operating hours to make sure your employees are well rested? Oh no, if they cut their operating hours then that would be less money. Whatever. That’s capitalism for ya.

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