
EXTREME Micro Managing from a MIA Boss

Oh I am so fed up with the situation I’m in at work right now. I started this job a little over 2.5 months ago. I LOVED IT. I had so much freedom with my day. Basically as long as my work got done by the end of the day, no one cared how I did it. Well, my fiancés dad ended up in the hospital at the end of July. His health started to rapidly decline mid-August. He passed at the very end of August. A few days from mid August – end of Aug I took half days, basically I would come in and get all essential work done then go be with my fiancé and his father in the hospital. Then when he died, I stayed with my fiancé and his mom at his parents house to help with stuff and be emotional support. I communicated with…

Oh I am so fed up with the situation I’m in at work right now.

I started this job a little over 2.5 months ago. I LOVED IT. I had so much freedom with my day. Basically as long as my work got done by the end of the day, no one cared how I did it.

Well, my fiancés dad ended up in the hospital at the end of July. His health started to rapidly decline mid-August. He passed at the very end of August.

A few days from mid August – end of Aug I took half days, basically I would come in and get all essential work done then go be with my fiancé and his father in the hospital. Then when he died, I stayed with my fiancé and his mom at his parents house to help with stuff and be emotional support.

I communicated with coworkers and boss the entire time. I asked them when they wanted me back in the office and I was back the exact day they asked me to be.

Well, fiancés dad got us surprise concert tickets that his mom forgot about until 4 days before the concert so I asked my mgr if I could go, made it clear I would come in 1/2 day and get essential stuff done the day of. Mgr said it was fine

Next day I get a call from boss while working and he goes off:

“You can’t just take half days whenever you want to”

“You put mgr in a tough spot because of the nature of your request yesterday”

“When you’re not here everyone has to stay late and finish your job”

To which I reminded him that I asked very clearly what day they wanted me to return from work after my fiancés father died and I came back the exact day they asked me to.

“Well I understand the circumstances were not in your control but you have to understand that work still needed to be done and you weren’t here to do it”

Manager wrote out a long email today covering all the things we talked about in the call. This included him talking about how I need to get a good chunk of the stuff I normally do done within the first 1.5 hours of the day so he can have me do 4 new responsibilities he just wants to add on to my day. He also put in a big bullet point that my attendance is to be 100% every week, every day. I just can’t get over the fact that they’re giving me shit about my apparent “bad attendance” when I came back to the office as soon as I was asked to, and only but ONE TIME came in for at least half a day to get my essential work done. And on top of it, it was to support my fiancé and his family during his dads passing. It’s not like I was just not showing up for no fucking reason.

He also wants me to start a daily log of what exactly I’m doing at every minute of the day with exact times and descriptions.

I asked if there was a problem with my productivity and he said that I have been doing everting that previous person in position was doing plus extra so that is not the issue. He just wants me to do MORE.

This boss man is not in the office often AT ALL. And when he is here, he’s hiding in his personal office. I’ve seen him a handful of times since I started and he’s came to my actual workspace once.

The place just turned into a shit show so fast and I knew that it was too good to be true when I LOVED it.

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