
F em, we hold more power than we think.

I work a state job, allegedly 40 hours a work, realistically work 10, maybe 15 hours a week. I get my shit done within those hours and enjoy my life the rest. Currently on my back porch working on a story (really enjoy creative writing). Funny enough, I'm really liked but my coworkers and management alike and thought to be a hard worker. Even got an additional raise at my 1 year! Lol. I'm really not trying to rub my situation in. I'm trying to show that it's possible to not be dominated by your workplace as I see from lots of posts here. That in fact, we can turn it around on the bastards. Yes, deceiving the government is easiest, but I've seen it done in many corporate environments too. My brother works as a software engineer in corporate and clocks similar hours to me while getting paid for…

I work a state job, allegedly 40 hours a work, realistically work 10, maybe 15 hours a week. I get my shit done within those hours and enjoy my life the rest. Currently on my back porch working on a story (really enjoy creative writing). Funny enough, I'm really liked but my coworkers and management alike and thought to be a hard worker. Even got an additional raise at my 1 year! Lol.

I'm really not trying to rub my situation in. I'm trying to show that it's possible to not be dominated by your workplace as I see from lots of posts here. That in fact, we can turn it around on the bastards. Yes, deceiving the government is easiest, but I've seen it done in many corporate environments too. My brother works as a software engineer in corporate and clocks similar hours to me while getting paid for a 40 hour week. He plays a lot of guitar (in a killer band) and works out a lot with his extra time off.

This will come much easier to some than others. My brother and I have the huge advantage (in this regard anyways) of being raised by the narcissistic devouring mother archetype, so I'm extremely fine tuned to being able to detect when I am being lied to, manipulated, etc, while also being very proficient at deceiving others myself.

This isn't to say I apply this to all aspects of my life; hardly at all actually. I could never lie to my wife, my dear friends, those I love. But I draw the line at work. It's just, my life has benefited so much by being able to lie to my employer. They have lied so fucking much to me. They would dominate me if they could. And they think they are. But they aren't.

All this is to say, it's possible, more than possible. Start small, be more careful at first. Ideally have a backup financially or another job to turn to if it blows up. But from my experience, it won't. If you are even half decent at covering your tracks, you can turn a 40 hour a week job into a 20 hour. Yes this doesn't apply if you're required to go into the office. There are many nuances to this thing.

All jobs are replaceable. Your time on this Earth is not. You've got this!

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