
F*** managers that play stupid for their own benefit

Employer uses whenIwork. During the summertime, we're open everyday, I put in my availability, done deal. On days I leave blank I'm not scheduled, on days I put I'm availability (green circle), I'm mostly scheduled. Now that we're only open Friday-Sunday and during the last two weeks of December. I put my availability in, yet I'm scheduled on days I don't “officially” mark as not availability. Yet, there was never an issue before, but now that we're open full time for two weeks and we have half the staff, manager wants to play dumb. In fact, I was late submitted my availability for the month of December and didn't put anything down, yet I was scheduled. Why even schedule me at all, tbh??? I would think then it would result in me missing out on shifts. There's literally never been a set date to submit availability nor has there every…

Employer uses whenIwork. During the summertime, we're open everyday, I put in my availability, done deal. On days I leave blank I'm not scheduled, on days I put I'm availability (green circle), I'm mostly scheduled. Now that we're only open Friday-Sunday and during the last two weeks of December. I put my availability in, yet I'm scheduled on days I don't “officially” mark as not availability. Yet, there was never an issue before, but now that we're open full time for two weeks and we have half the staff, manager wants to play dumb. In fact, I was late submitted my availability for the month of December and didn't put anything down, yet I was scheduled. Why even schedule me at all, tbh??? I would think then it would result in me missing out on shifts. There's literally never been a set date to submit availability nor has there every been a set date the schedule comes out (I've asked). Yet, I know the manager has asked people to submit theirs when they're late, but yet, she never reached out to me for December. Why even submit availability every month, when I was hired to work Friday-Sunday, yet still, I have to have a second job, because the manager still doesn't scheduled me Friday-Sunday. Manager switched me off of the schedule two weeks ago because a coworker wanted to make plans (I have seniority over this coworker) and then she lied about it when I asked her why I was taken off. Why are some managers like this?

I'm thinking of just putting in my two weeks notice to not have to even think about those three shifts I can't work in December. This employer has already screwed so many times this entre year, they're just going to lay everyone off at the end of December anyway, and I have to find a new job anyway. Don't go into EMS, it's the worst.

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