
F this crap

Dude, how do companies expect us to stay motivated at work? We give away a majority of our life to places that could give 2 shits about us. Pay is always bullshit,it’s taxed to fuck then we have to pay taxes on everything else and can’t even Make ends meet. It’s almost December and I have no way of buying oil for the house we rent, haven’t had insurance on our cars for like 3 months and can hardly feed my family let alone afford groceries and gas to get to work. When I say this shit is depressing it’s more than depressing it’s absolutely DREADFUL. Half of the time I couldn’t even go to work without getting picked on or harassed. Most days I don’t even want to wake up. I’m on depression and anxiety medication because this fucking world and it’s greedy money hungry elites. I’ve contemplated committing…

Dude, how do companies expect us to stay motivated at work? We give away a majority of our life to places that could give 2 shits about us. Pay is always bullshit,it’s taxed to fuck then we have to pay taxes on everything else and can’t even
Make ends meet. It’s almost December and I have no way of buying oil for the house we rent, haven’t had insurance on our cars for like 3 months and can hardly feed my family let alone afford groceries and gas to get to work. When I say this shit is depressing it’s more than depressing it’s absolutely DREADFUL. Half of the time I couldn’t even go to work without getting picked on or harassed. Most days I don’t even want to wake up. I’m on depression and anxiety medication because this fucking world and it’s greedy money hungry elites. I’ve contemplated committing crimes to make ends meet but I’m aware of consequences that come with that but at this point it’s like bro free jail housing, food and no work is more appealing that being a normal person

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