
Fain announces Friday “deadline” for more walkouts as rank-and-file opposition mounts to UAW’s selective strike policy

““We were all ready to strike together last Friday. Not in a million years did I think that less than 10 percent of the members would be on strike. The company is using petty things to fire workers because they’re in control. The rest of us are working four to five hours a week, no matter how far we have to drive to get to work. “Who made up this ‘stand up strike’ nonsense? We’re just helping them stockpile their vehicles. All the UAW officials want is to keep our money and pay out as little as possible from the strike fund. We all need to go on strike, at every company in the US and around the world.””

““We were all ready to strike together last Friday. Not in a million years did I think that less than 10 percent of the members would be on strike. The company is using petty things to fire workers because they’re in control. The rest of us are working four to five hours a week, no matter how far we have to drive to get to work.

“Who made up this ‘stand up strike’ nonsense? We’re just helping them stockpile their vehicles. All the UAW officials want is to keep our money and pay out as little as possible from the strike fund. We all need to go on strike, at every company in the US and around the world.””

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