
False allegations at work

Hi, I have been accused with false allegations at my work place, it's almost embarrassing to be accused of such things. HR has sent me an invitation to attend disciplinary hearing with 3 witness statement which are all verbal claims and assumptions by those witnesses. There were two allegations, one is vaping in the toilet, one of the employees have raised an issue about smelling of vape in the toilet and a woman saw me walked passed her office after a few minutes, bare in mind every once in awhile i like to get out of my office desk and go for a walk within the building, i probably was walking past from canteen and happened to be near the toilet. Also not flushing the toilet and leaving the toilet in unacceptable state I am appalled and offended by it because everyone in my office know I am a bit…

Hi, I have been accused with false allegations at my work place, it's almost embarrassing to be accused of such things.

HR has sent me an invitation to attend disciplinary hearing with 3 witness statement which are all verbal claims and assumptions by those witnesses.

There were two allegations, one is vaping in the toilet, one of the employees have raised an issue about smelling of vape in the toilet and a woman saw me walked passed her office after a few minutes, bare in mind every once in awhile i like to get out of my office desk and go for a walk within the building, i probably was walking past from canteen and happened to be near the toilet.

Also not flushing the toilet and leaving the toilet in unacceptable state I am appalled and offended by it because everyone in my office know I am a bit of a clean freak, I practice health and fitness as a religion and everyone in my office are pretty much aware of the fact because that's all I ever talk about. i like to look good and smell good at all times. To be accused of such things it's shocking and incredibly insulting to me.

One day when i was about to go in one of the toilet cubicles one of the women in the middle toilet cubicle shouted “i wouldn't go in there if i was you” | have mentioned that to my manager and I still have been invited to this disciplinary hearing.

I am the only woman in engineering department, also the youngest, and I am a minority being asian. I get on with everyone in my department, everyone loves me.

However I don't know any of these people who made such allegations, although I remember once a lady gave me a comment on my body and said it's not fair that I have a nice figure and I replied it's fair because I work hard for it.

I feel like this is really unfair because I haven't done any of those things and being accused for it and I don't know what to say in this meeting other than firmly deny all these allegations.

Please any help would be much appreciated, this is also really affecting my mental health by embarrassment of something I am completely innocent for. I just want to come out innocent from this entire situation, I don't even want to work for this company anymore.

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