
Farmers insurance layoffs yesterday: let’s strike

To all of the employees who did NOT get laid off – are you feeling as pissed off as I am? I’ve always heard of layoffs happening, but have never experienced being a part of one and now I underestimated how traumatic it truly is. I was one of the “lucky” ones who didn’t get laid off, but I was up tossing and turning last night and I kinda wish I was. I have no desire to go back and work for such a heartless & selfish company. I lost my supervisor who was wonderful, I have to completely switch teams and work with entirely new people who are in a time zone 3 hours ahead of me – I will not be attending any morning meetings that are before 8am my time, fuck that. They expect us to just accept this treatment and jump back into working like nothing…

To all of the employees who did NOT get laid off – are you feeling as pissed off as I am?

I’ve always heard of layoffs happening, but have never experienced being a part of one and now I underestimated how traumatic it truly is. I was one of the “lucky” ones who didn’t get laid off, but I was up tossing and turning last night and I kinda wish I was. I have no desire to go back and work for such a heartless & selfish company. I lost my supervisor who was wonderful, I have to completely switch teams and work with entirely new people who are in a time zone 3 hours ahead of me – I will not be attending any morning meetings that are before 8am my time, fuck that.

They expect us to just accept this treatment and jump back into working like nothing happened? Fuck this. If anyone else is feeling the same, why don’t we go on a fucking strike? Like just STOP WORKING. If we all do it, they can’t fire all of us. I wish I knew how to contact more people who were on board with me. I have some coworkers who are scared to strike in fear of losing their jobs, but they almost lost it yesterday & there’s no guarantees they won’t lose it in the near future.

Fuck corporate America.

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