
Fastest way to find a replacement job?

I don't even know if this is the right place for this. I need out of my current job, fast. I work for a small business and was meant to be the supervisor, but things got weird and so now I have most of the responsibilities of a supervisor with none of the authority and some of the pay. I come into work every day with high anxiety, terrified the owner is going to call and yell at me for things beyond my control. I do what I can to follow his orders, only for him to ask me where I get the audacity to do things he just asked me to do. Today alone I was shaking and nauseous because he kept calling. Long story short, I need a new job as fast as possible. The only issue is that I have no idea if he will give me…

I don't even know if this is the right place for this. I need out of my current job, fast.

I work for a small business and was meant to be the supervisor, but things got weird and so now I have most of the responsibilities of a supervisor with none of the authority and some of the pay.

I come into work every day with high anxiety, terrified the owner is going to call and yell at me for things beyond my control. I do what I can to follow his orders, only for him to ask me where I get the audacity to do things he just asked me to do.
Today alone I was shaking and nauseous because he kept calling.

Long story short, I need a new job as fast as possible. The only issue is that I have no idea if he will give me a good reference or not. He's pretty notorious in the business community, so I don't know where to go. I've applied to everything I can on a bunch of different apps, I'm contacting temp agencies in my area tomorrow, and I've opened my art commissions to try to make some extra money. Any other tips would help!

TLDR; I need out of my toxic job ASAP. Any tips?

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