
Fed up with shitty managers (long rant!)

Title truly says it all. back up acct bc my manager stalks her employees social media accounts (confirmed by other coworkers) Before I start, If I post this in the wrong sub lmk and direct me to the correct sub please! Pre context: I’m diagnosed with autism but mask well enough for the public to think I’m normal. LMFAOOOO Context: When interviewing for my current job, I said that I was a fast learner, which was true! I really did catch on quick before I caught Covid a week before I was meant to start and it fucked my brain cognitive and mental function. I’m noticeably slower now when trying to learn things, and it frustrates me to no end. I can tell my manager is seeing this too and thinks I’m full of shit or whatever. Which is fine, I can see from her point of view since I’m…

Title truly says it all. back up acct bc my manager stalks her employees social media accounts (confirmed by other coworkers)

Before I start, If I post this in the wrong sub lmk and direct me to the correct sub please!

Pre context: I’m diagnosed with autism but mask well enough for the public to think I’m normal. LMFAOOOO

Context: When interviewing for my current job, I said that I was a fast learner, which was true! I really did catch on quick before I caught Covid a week before I was meant to start and it fucked my brain cognitive and mental function. I’m noticeably slower now when trying to learn things, and it frustrates me to no end. I can tell my manager is seeing this too and thinks I’m full of shit or whatever. Which is fine, I can see from her point of view since I’m not preforming like I said I would be.

But here’s the thing. She’s definitely passive aggressive, thinks and acts immediately emotionally, and doesn’t like me and tries to get me in “gotcha” moments.

There are times where I’ve heard her actually talk about me to other coworkers. First time was when I heard her talk to someone and said: “It is just NOT her day today” in an extremely frustrated tone when I did something wrong (learning something new the first time as well, no less), and then shut the back room door so she could continue quietly.

There are other times where she would pull straight up attitude with me. Most memorable times are when:

-I got a call from my doctor and was reading the voicemail transcript instead of wanting to call back, so I was standing in the break room/office on my phone. She first did one of those rhetorical “Why are you still back here” questions, and me and my autism answered it earnestly without second thought. She then said “well….aren’t you gonna call them back then or….” and I said “no I have the transcripts so it’s easier for me to digest” and she said “oooooh-kaay…whatever”

-she was sick and said “hey I’m running to so and so for some allergy meds. You need anything?” and I said “no I’m good!” And walked away thinking the conversation was finished, but said thank you over my shoulder at the last second. I can definitely see in retrospect how it could be perceived as rude, but it was the fact that when she thought I was out of earshot I hear her say “uhhhh okay sure just walk away the fuck”

But what really pisses her off is that I’m forgetful. Much more so with this long episode of brain fog and lost memory capacity. She recently had a wedding, one which i declined to go to because I had a filled up weekend already. Now I took a little time to get back to her under circumstances that I couldn’t help, but I can also see how it’s upsetting on not getting a timely response. But here’s the thing. Don’t tell me I have until the end of the month to RSVP but in the same week of asking me to attend (2 weeks before the month ends!) if I can or can’t. I’m not gonna know 2 days after you ask if I can attend or not. Also maybe don’t say I have until the end of the month if I actually uhhhhhhh…….DONT?

So that caused her to take it out on my schedule, I took it in stride because I thought whatever, she can get her lick back that she feels entitled to. But recently, I made the grave mistake of accidentally texting her on her honeymoon that I would be out of work. In my defense, it was a complete accident because I genuinely forgot she was gonna be out that week. I’m a little stupid! So yeah, I can see how it would be annoying as fuck to get hit up by a coworker while you’re vacationing! I don’t blame her there, but she replied back to me so snarky and bitchy it genuinely disoriented not only me, but my partner and my circle of friends. She told me I needed coverage, but truth be told I was a little preoccupied with the pain of passing a kidney stone and didn’t text anyone to find coverage (pain meds had me on another astral plane tbh)

Lo and behold, I check my schedule and she’s under scheduling me and cutting my hours so I don’t get any breaks. I went from working 5-8 hour shifts with breaks, to 4 hour or just under 5 hour shifts so I don’t get breaks. My partner was the one who said to me “that feels…calculated.” After showing him my 3-week in advance schedule. And I completely agree. Cause how you gonna cuts someone’s hours and during PEAK season/holiday time lol? Especially cause she needs “all hands on deck” lol

Rant over sorry for bitching esp. cause there’s people who have it way worse

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