
Federal contract without prevailing wage

I was just curious if someone knew if it’s possible to look up and read a contract a company has with the federal government. I work at two federal sites under two different contracts. At one site I get prevailing wage but at the other I don’t. I do the same thing at both so I know I should be classified as a worker that can get prevailing wage at both. But when I asked why I didn’t get PW at the second site the company said because it’s “in the contract”. I know it’s prob all true but is there a way to read that contract? And like what’s the point of prevailing wage if you can just write it out in a contract??

I was just curious if someone knew if it’s possible to look up and read a contract a company has with the federal government.

I work at two federal sites under two different contracts. At one site I get prevailing wage but at the other I don’t. I do the same thing at both so I know I should be classified as a worker that can get prevailing wage at both. But when I asked why I didn’t get PW at the second site the company said because it’s “in the contract”. I know it’s prob all true but is there a way to read that contract? And like what’s the point of prevailing wage if you can just write it out in a contract??

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