
Feel-Good story! Now “only” 30% of people >$200k/year live paycheck to paycheck

All is fine, folks! Go back to your apathetic lives of enjoyment; we’re doing 2% better than last month and 5% better than when inflation started to hit! (Just ignore that it’s still extremely high.) “As of July, 59% of Americans said they lived paycheck to paycheck, down from 61% in June but still higher than a year ago, when the number of adults who felt stretched too thin was 54%.”

All is fine, folks! Go back to your apathetic lives of enjoyment; we’re doing 2% better than last month and 5% better than when inflation started to hit!

(Just ignore that it’s still extremely high.)

“As of July, 59% of Americans said they lived paycheck to paycheck, down from 61% in June but still higher than a year ago, when the number of adults who felt stretched too thin was 54%.”

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