
Feel kind of hopeless going into this new job

Got a new job which is objectively pretty nice. Only 35 hours a week and a lot of (unpaid) vacation time, but still will be making what I was at 40 hours a week (plus hours of unpaid driving and no vacation time), so no complaints. Could be better but at least I won't be working every waking hour of my day like before. Still can't help but feel utterly hopeless about the general state of everything. This money will be enough to get me out of debt but not nearly enough to consider saving for a house, unless I settle and grind away for years. At my last job, I know from clients that the company was making anywhere from $800-$1200 PER HOUR for the services I provide (and I work alone), and I don't even see 5% of that. This job is in the same field and, while…

Got a new job which is objectively pretty nice. Only 35 hours a week and a lot of (unpaid) vacation time, but still will be making what I was at 40 hours a week (plus hours of unpaid driving and no vacation time), so no complaints. Could be better but at least I won't be working every waking hour of my day like before.

Still can't help but feel utterly hopeless about the general state of everything. This money will be enough to get me out of debt but not nearly enough to consider saving for a house, unless I settle and grind away for years. At my last job, I know from clients that the company was making anywhere from $800-$1200 PER HOUR for the services I provide (and I work alone), and I don't even see 5% of that. This job is in the same field and, while the pay is better, still not even 5% of that, and I'm on the higher earning end for this field.

I've got my degree and certifications and honestly don't know when it's going to begin paying off. I did all this so I wouldn't have to think too hard about money but cost of loving is just so high. My grandfather retired making 60% of what I do (about the same accounting for inflation) and has a massive house and a vacation home on a beautiful pond. I'm 23 and don't ever see myself being in such a good position.

It really just doesn't feel worth it when the best I can do is a crammed apartment and making myself debt free. I want to have money to go out and do things and get a mortgage for a starter house and that's really it. But it's just so unrealistic with how ridiculously expensive everything is.

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