
Feel like I got trapped

I started working as a hospital switchboard operator a few months ago. It felt like my dream job at the time- I get to sit down (massive plus since I have chronic pain in my feet) and when we aren’t busy we’re encouraged to keep ourselves entertained with Netflix or books or whatever else. Naturally, when a full-time position was available, I applied and got it. The first two weeks of working were fine… then my boss seemingly lost her marbles. I went from steadyish 40 hours a week to getting dragged through the dirt. I worked 8pm-6am once and was expected to come back in at 2pm the same day- now I’m about to work 10 days in a row and I regularly only have one day off every 6-7 days now. I’m exhausted and burnt out. I don’t want to do this anymore but I’ve got to pay…

I started working as a hospital switchboard operator a few months ago. It felt like my dream job at the time- I get to sit down (massive plus since I have chronic pain in my feet) and when we aren’t busy we’re encouraged to keep ourselves entertained with Netflix or books or whatever else.

Naturally, when a full-time position was available, I applied and got it. The first two weeks of working were fine… then my boss seemingly lost her marbles. I went from steadyish 40 hours a week to getting dragged through the dirt. I worked 8pm-6am once and was expected to come back in at 2pm the same day- now I’m about to work 10 days in a row and I regularly only have one day off every 6-7 days now. I’m exhausted and burnt out. I don’t want to do this anymore but I’ve got to pay rent and stuff to survive.

I reached out to my supervisor to get some office accommodations to make the extended hours more bearable (literally just a desk partition so my coworker’s voices won’t carry when we’re on the phone) and got outright ignored and told to suck it up by HR.

I’m just so mad. I get paid peanuts, I work overtime, I deal with a lot of internal BS at work and take a lot of hits for my supervisor and I get treated like dirt in return. It’s so demoralizing.

I’ve been applying to a lot of remote positions, data entry and customer service, but no dice yet. Really hoping I can get a decent one soon and just live my life instead of being stuck in an office.

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