
Feel like my time is being tampered with

So I have tons of pics. Here’s a few. But it seems like the first couple of months I started my time was perfect accept that first day I started. The HR head forgot to put in the time I arrived to work and had my first check off, even though she was aware she didn’t put me in the system until around 12:00. I didn’t notice then cause I didn’t know how to understand the app yet UKG. But now it’s been past 3 months and the new manager started along with the retiring manager. He has been acting weird… y’all I go in everyday and check my time and now it seems like my clock in ,clock out times are missing or my clock in from lunch or out are missing. And also some days barely even have anything. And yesterday I talked to him about it through…

So I have tons of pics. Here’s a few. But it seems like the first couple of months I started my time was perfect accept that first day I started. The HR head forgot to put in the time I arrived to work and had my first check off, even though she was aware she didn’t put me in the system until around 12:00. I didn’t notice then cause I didn’t know how to understand the app yet UKG. But now it’s been past 3 months and the new manager started along with the retiring manager. He has been acting weird… y’all I go in everyday and check my time and now it seems like my clock in ,clock out times are missing or my clock in from lunch or out are missing. And also some days barely even have anything. And yesterday I talked to him about it through text because my clock out from lunch was the same time as my clock out of work. And he act like he didn’t see what I was talking about from his end. And I pointed out where even though it was obvious! He also told me he was working from home at the moment this was before he shift actually starts in the morning. What do I do. I’m also having other problems with him? And I knew my clock in for the morning was suppose to be there cause he brought it up to me. That morning but now it’s not there!!!!

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