
Feel like the deck is stacked against those who choose to work part-time or escape the 40 hour work week somehow.

I've always hated the idea of working 9-5 (really 8-5) every day for someone else, which is why I frequent this sub a lot. I've managed to largely avoid it in my adult life so far by essentially having my own business as a guitar instructor and performing musician, but to make ends meet I also work part time. I've mainly worked as a tutor as a college, but have also worked as a part time bookkeeper and have help other roles at colleges like assistant librarian tech support. What frustrates me is it increasingly feels like the deck is stacked against people who choose to work part-time or not take part in the “system” so to speak. For example, part-time wages are notoriously low. I'm fortunate that my hourly rate at the college is pretty decent, but even my full-time counterparts make a bit more by the hour than…

I've always hated the idea of working 9-5 (really 8-5) every day for someone else, which is why I frequent this sub a lot. I've managed to largely avoid it in my adult life so far by essentially having my own business as a guitar instructor and performing musician, but to make ends meet I also work part time. I've mainly worked as a tutor as a college, but have also worked as a part time bookkeeper and have help other roles at colleges like assistant librarian tech support.

What frustrates me is it increasingly feels like the deck is stacked against people who choose to work part-time or not take part in the “system” so to speak. For example, part-time wages are notoriously low. I'm fortunate that my hourly rate at the college is pretty decent, but even my full-time counterparts make a bit more by the hour than me. Also, benefits are non existent. If I want to take a day off, I have to do so without pay. If one of my shifts fall on a holiday, I don't get paid. No insurance and retirement offerings of course. Finally, the options for part-time work in specialized fields are hardly anywhere to be found. I have multiple certifications in the AV/IT field, but almost all jobs I come across are full time.

I worked a full-time job for about 6 months and absolutely hated it. 10+ hour days when you factor in the commute and it felt like all I had time for was work and sleep. If I ever got a full-time job again, I'd have to stop teaching lessons, and cut back on performing just so I can have the time on weekends to relax. Sure, I could make more money, but nothing can spin it to being worth it for me. I just don't know how much longer I can keep doing what I'm doing and it frustrates me that this is the world we live in.

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