
Feeling extremely anxious and angry that my abusive ex boss is coming to my town for a book tour

I just need to rant because I’m so angry! So less than a year ago I worked for this nonprofit and when I got hired, I thought it was my dream job. It was an org for social and environmental issues and my boss is a well known activist in the environmental advocacy scene. I admired her for years and was thrilled to work so close to her. Little did I know, I could barely last 6 months at that job. She was a nightmare to work for. I was basically abandoned and the people who were supposed to help me ignored me. She expected everyone to work around her terrible communication. She was straight up mean to me when it was always her fault when communication came through. She also didn’t background check employees and there were a lot of sexual assault allegations that never seen the light of…

I just need to rant because I’m so angry! So less than a year ago I worked for this nonprofit and when I got hired, I thought it was my dream job. It was an org for social and environmental issues and my boss is a well known activist in the environmental advocacy scene.

I admired her for years and was thrilled to work so close to her. Little did I know, I could barely last 6 months at that job.

She was a nightmare to work for. I was basically abandoned and the people who were supposed to help me ignored me. She expected everyone to work around her terrible communication. She was straight up mean to me when it was always her fault when communication came through. She also didn’t background check employees and there were a lot of sexual assault allegations that never seen the light of day because she’s a lawyer and good at hiding that shit. Not to mention it felt like I was working for a cult. I moved to a rural town to work for her and I never felt so alone. She and the other employees would never invite me to work parties or events and would always “forget” to tell me important things that affected my work.

I was so stressed out I became really ill and just had to quit. Not too long after that, an article came out that a former employee won a sexual assault case while she was working for her. My boss tried so hard to bury this case, but as soon as the community saw it, she stepped down from her position.

I felt vindicated that she finally had consequences to her own actions. But now, a few months later, she’s doing a book tour???

I’m angry. She should have just exited quietly. How dare she call herself an advocate when she’s done such horrible things like hide that sexual assault case (and probably even more incidents). And now she’s coming to my town like nothing happened and she’s this perfect activist who helps people. Yeah right.

Don’t meet your heroes I guess, they might be giant assholes.

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