
Feeling guilty af for job fishing – afraid to leave coworkers in a tough spot

I do IT for an MSP, been with the company for 2 and a half years. My company was bought out by another 6 months ago and it's been downhill since. I felt I was respected and could progress in my career with my old management. Now, they would rather outsource jobs to India than to hire from the U.S. There's about a dozen people on my team I interact with and 2 specifically that I work in the office with that I'm great friends with, we hangout outside of work and stuff. My colleagues share my frustration and concerns about our new management. We were chilling one evening and they asked me if I've been looking around for other positions, and I was honest with them and told them how I was looking around and interviewing. They acknowledged how I felt and I appreciated their sensitivity to the subject.…

I do IT for an MSP, been with the company for 2 and a half years. My company was bought out by another 6 months ago and it's been downhill since. I felt I was respected and could progress in my career with my old management. Now, they would rather outsource jobs to India than to hire from the U.S.

There's about a dozen people on my team I interact with and 2 specifically that I work in the office with that I'm great friends with, we hangout outside of work and stuff.

My colleagues share my frustration and concerns about our new management. We were chilling one evening and they asked me if I've been looking around for other positions, and I was honest with them and told them how I was looking around and interviewing. They acknowledged how I felt and I appreciated their sensitivity to the subject.

I love the users that I work with, I fucking love my teammates that I work with, it's management and being underpaid af are the issues at hand. I have bills that need to be paid and even with my side hustles I can barely make ends meet month to month. My place would rather hire in India vs any wage increases.

I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place in a downpour. I feel like I'm holding on to false hope that my place will finally value me and pay me a decent fucking living, but all my hopes were dashed at my performance review last week.

I layed out all the cards so to speak, final plea for love, my last chance for them to keep me, etc. I'm not content stuck on help desk, I have degrees and certs I'm rearing to use, and my managers response to me when I said “I want to progress to this role down the road, and here are the steps I intend to take to get their” they're response?
“well, but wouldn't it be easier to coast on by like and get on with your day, right?”
Not at all what I was looking to hear. If anything that was the nail in the coffin to know that, at least in my bosses eyes, he wants me to keep that seat warm and don't dare move from it.

I have almost of that on my mind, but I feel like I'm throwing away the rapport I've made with the users, and with my coworkers by getting up and going elsewhere. I feel like I'd have to start from square one again, when after 2 years here I feel like I'm really hitting my stride. My coworkers have been nothing but supportive of me and I appreciate that to the end of the earth from them.

I feel like my management is driving one of their better employees out, and maybe I will be the wakeup call for them if I leave to change their act before more follow out the door with me. Just feeling a lot of mixed emotions at the thought of leaving and that my buddies would have to pickup the slack from me being gone. I doubt my seat as a U.S based employee would be filled anytime soon, I feel my company would just use that as an excuse to outsource my old position to India.

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