
Feels like 6 years down the drain.

Been working for this town for about 6 years, recently these two small neighbouring towns have “amalgamated” which that in itself has been a nightmare, crews joining crews, people being laid off in mass numbers etc. We have recently hired 4 new people in my department (due to massive turn over this is normal) I make $26.86 and I come to find out that these new hires started at $26.50 with a promise of $28 once they complete the required training, we have all signed NDAs for our pay so I have absolutely no idea how to bring this up to my higher up, but this is the most defeating news I have heard in awhile, it feels like my work of 6 years has gone down the drain, my rent has increased 3 times since my last raise and ironically I am struggling to make ends meet in a…

Been working for this town for about 6 years, recently these two small neighbouring towns have “amalgamated” which that in itself has been a nightmare, crews joining crews, people being laid off in mass numbers etc.

We have recently hired 4 new people in my department (due to massive turn over this is normal) I make $26.86 and I come to find out that these new hires started at $26.50 with a promise of $28 once they complete the required training, we have all signed NDAs for our pay so I have absolutely no idea how to bring this up to my higher up, but this is the most defeating news I have heard in awhile, it feels like my work of 6 years has gone down the drain, my rent has increased 3 times since my last raise and ironically I am struggling to make ends meet in a town that I literally work for, let alone affording a house or anything like that.

Any suggestions on how to approach the boss without really explaining how I know they make nearly the same as me? I’m well aware of what our pay scale is, or was I should say because now that they are hiring at $26.50 I actually have no idea where the pay scale is at now. They have been on for about a month now and I have spent hours and hours training these people and picking up the slack just to find out they are basically paid the same, I’m so frustrated because I have a decent amount of my life invested in this job, great benifits and 4 weeks vacation but man times are tough.

TLDR: found out the new hires make nearly the exact amount as I do, even though I have worked for this town for 5 years. No idea how to approach the boss because we are not supposed to talk about wages.

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