
feels likely I’m getting fired soon

without going into too much detail, I work for a small business, and one coworker and I are the only full-time employees in the department that essentially keeps the whole business running. when we’ve asked for a third full-time staff member, it hasn’t gone anywhere; when coworkers are detailed to our department, they’ll get pulled to cover something else the company didn’t plan for. recently I’ve run into a lot of resistance when asking for information I need to do my job. I have coworkers and management (not my direct supervisor, who is actually wonderful) just…not even responding to my requests for help. today I sent two blunt, yet professional, emails about situations where coworkers have withheld information or put extra work on my plate that shouldn’t be my responsibility. I literally just asked for help getting what I need to make sure the company can make good on its…

without going into too much detail, I work for a small business, and one coworker and I are the only full-time employees in the department that essentially keeps the whole business running. when we’ve asked for a third full-time staff member, it hasn’t gone anywhere; when coworkers are detailed to our department, they’ll get pulled to cover something else the company didn’t plan for. recently I’ve run into a lot of resistance when asking for information I need to do my job. I have coworkers and management (not my direct supervisor, who is actually wonderful) just…not even responding to my requests for help.

today I sent two blunt, yet professional, emails about situations where coworkers have withheld information or put extra work on my plate that shouldn’t be my responsibility. I literally just asked for help getting what I need to make sure the company can make good on its commitments to clients. in response, someone who’s currently in executive management but is transitioning out (to be replaced by a relatively new hire with very different ideas and a track record of successful management at other companies), suggested that the incoming guy and my boss “ramp up” finding someone to replace me because there’s “no excuse for the tone” of my emails.

I’m the idiot here for busting my ass for these folks for the past five years, cross-training to cover other departments, developing new ways to tackle more and more work with minimal resources, and regularly putting in 12+ hour days without any advance notice to “meet the needs of the company” while newer hires in other departments are literally napping at their desks on the clock. it’s pretty devastating.

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