
Fellow teachers: How to cope with stress?

I see lots of posts here saying not to put too much of yourself mentally into your work. However, I have a hard time doing this as a teacher, as I feel it's part of my job to worry about strategies and the well being of my students. Don't get me wrong, I know the “do it for the kids” is bullshit. I'm a worker in an underpaid job. However, I also feel bad because I do like my job and I think I am a positive influence to at least some of the students. Long story short: How to manage stress and “caring” in a job where just saying “fuck it” will have a direct negative impact in the lives of kids/teens?

I see lots of posts here saying not to put too much of yourself mentally into your work. However, I have a hard time doing this as a teacher, as I feel it's part of my job to worry about strategies and the well being of my students.

Don't get me wrong, I know the “do it for the kids” is bullshit. I'm a worker in an underpaid job. However, I also feel bad because I do like my job and I think I am a positive influence to at least some of the students.

Long story short: How to manage stress and “caring” in a job where just saying “fuck it” will have a direct negative impact in the lives of kids/teens?

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