
Filed compliant with HR about a senior manager creating a hostile work environment. HR created a middle man.

Junior people on my team have been complaining about a senior manager being overly aggressive and speaking to people in an insulting and demeaning way. I spoke to him and he got defensive saying “people are too sensitive these days.” But he said he'd watch how he speaks to people. After 6 months of no change, I filed an anonymous complaint to HR. TWO MONTHS later, we get a new middle manager and as far as I can tell, his only job is to be a middle man between the terrible senior manager and the rest of the team. If you need to ask question, you go through the middle man. This was HR's solution?? WTF.

Junior people on my team have been complaining about a senior manager being overly aggressive and speaking to people in an insulting and demeaning way. I spoke to him and he got defensive saying “people are too sensitive these days.” But he said he'd watch how he speaks to people. After 6 months of no change, I filed an anonymous complaint to HR. TWO MONTHS later, we get a new middle manager and as far as I can tell, his only job is to be a middle man between the terrible senior manager and the rest of the team. If you need to ask question, you go through the middle man. This was HR's solution?? WTF.

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