
Filling out those anonymous work surveys on the state of the department and going scorched earth. :)

I'm an xray tech at a level 1 trauma center, and the department is falling apart. People are leaving in droves, and management doesn't get it. If you have questions or need clarification on something I wrote, feel free to ask! Yes, I really submitted this. This is my last week at this facility, I'm transferring to another one within the company that's a little closer to home. I don't know exactly how many people 1st or 3rd shift is down, but 2nd shift fully staffed has 15 techs. We currently have 8 techs not including travelers, but 3 of us are leaving within the next two weeks.

I'm an xray tech at a level 1 trauma center, and the department is falling apart. People are leaving in droves, and management doesn't get it. If you have questions or need clarification on something I wrote, feel free to ask! Yes, I really submitted this. This is my last week at this facility, I'm transferring to another one within the company that's a little closer to home.

I don't know exactly how many people 1st or 3rd shift is down, but 2nd shift fully staffed has 15 techs. We currently have 8 techs not including travelers, but 3 of us are leaving within the next two weeks.

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