
finally did it – to hell with it all

overworked and overqualified for my position while also being severely underpaid. got my annual review and was rejected an annual raise since (it's not in the budget) while literally, everyone else got theirs. all of those fucks are redundant and I am literally the only one qualified to do my position since it requires specific education and certifications. a couple of days later got offered another position in a similar field that is waaaay more attuned to me since it is all backend with no people interaction, fully remote, actual market value pay, and is technical work. went to my current place and tried to give them a full month's notice as a professional courtesy and the managers and directors and CEO pulled me into a meeting where they begged me to stay and change my mind. I once again aired my issues that I have been quite open with…

overworked and overqualified for my position while also being severely underpaid.

got my annual review and was rejected an annual raise since (it's not in the budget) while literally, everyone else got theirs. all of those fucks are redundant and I am literally the only one qualified to do my position since it requires specific education and certifications. a couple of days later got offered another position in a similar field that is waaaay more attuned to me since it is all backend with no people interaction, fully remote, actual market value pay, and is technical work.

went to my current place and tried to give them a full month's notice as a professional courtesy and the managers and directors and CEO pulled me into a meeting where they begged me to stay and change my mind. I once again aired my issues that I have been quite open with since our clients are abusive to me and they asked what it would take to keep me. I told them to match or beat my offered salary (triple what I make with them).

they laughed in my face saying no one would ever pay me that much (??) and so I told them that ill just do my time and train someone enough that the department doesn't die they got all pissed and said they won't accept my resignation and that I'm fired immediately.

the CEO and 2 directors escorted me down to my desk and had me turn in my laptop, phone, and all key cards and tried searching my bag to make sure “I wasn't smuggling out anything” I told them no and they got even more pissed and walked me out of the building. I have saved this company literally MILLIONS on MILLIONS by building their entire cybersecurity department and stopping several incidents among many other things and I was treated like a petty thief who snuck in. Literally, no one has ever gotten that, even though the ones who were fired for doing bad shit.

it was humiliating. That was about a couple of weeks ago and I guess now they are seeing how big of a deal my job was and my old coworkers have started blowing up my phone to tell them how to fix proprietary stuff I made for them since no one has been doing my old job so cyber attacks are actually getting through now.

I know of one pretty big national company that's definitely about to get a major data breach and come under regulatory violations.

meh, it sucks but I haven't taken a day off in a long time so it's been good to chill out. I start my new job soon so I'm looking forward to that.

hope all of you have been doing well. had to rant that shit out for a minute

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