
Finally getting out of a shitty situation

Four months ago, after 6 months of rumors, our company was being “merged” with another company. I say merged in quotation because the reality is we were bought out and the company that is fucking cannibalizing us is going to liquidate our division. The new CEO came in and said there will probably be pay cuts when he integrates us into his existing organization. Some people were kept on, others let go. The people who were kept on found the company culture was totally toxic. They were kept out of important meetings. The few meetings they were included on served no purpose except to watch the CEO's employees tell him how brilliant he was and what a great play it was to buy us out. People who had supervisory authority at the old company lost all their direct reports and were made understudies to the new company's existing employees who…

Four months ago, after 6 months of rumors, our company was being “merged” with another company. I say merged in quotation because the reality is we were bought out and the company that is fucking cannibalizing us is going to liquidate our division.

The new CEO came in and said there will probably be pay cuts when he integrates us into his existing organization. Some people were kept on, others let go. The people who were kept on found the company culture was totally toxic. They were kept out of important meetings. The few meetings they were included on served no purpose except to watch the CEO's employees tell him how brilliant he was and what a great play it was to buy us out. People who had supervisory authority at the old company lost all their direct reports and were made understudies to the new company's existing employees who knew nothing about our software.

No working professional should put up with this crap.

Over the last 2 months, 50 percent of our staff who were brought over resigned and took jobs elsewhere. And this week after 50 plus applications and 9 interviews, I signed my offer sheet to join another company next month. The job will be fully remote. I'm so relieved. If you are ever caught up in merger, don't stick around and hope it'll work out, start applying fucking immediately and get the hell out of there.

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